1:1 Supplement Consultations

As a Certified Dietary Supplement Specialist I work 1:1 with clients who are wanting to add nutraceuticals to their health and wellness regimens. Supplement consultations run 30 minutes and are done by video consultation.

*These are not part of any of the Health and Wellness Coaching Programs offered and are booked as individual sessions.*

a group of nuts and a plant
a group of nuts and a plant
My doctor told me to take more... but there's 8 types at my local Vitamin shop. Which one should I take?

There are many different forms of supplements, including topical and inhalant. We can cover different routes of administration, and which might be better for certain circumstances.

I take 5 supplements already but really i don't think they do anything and my levels were still low when my doctor checked them.

Just like prescription medications, it is important to look at several different aspects of supplementation particularly if it is being used to improve certain health conditions. Knowing what dose is appropriate, and also knowing which supplements interact together in either a symbiotic or antagonistic way is extremely important as some supplements can "cancel each other out" and cause decreased absorption.

How to find high quality supplements

What types of fillers should I avoid? Or should I just not worry about it?

Are isolate vitamins better than whole food vitamins? Why is the strength so different?

What the heck does bioavailable mean? Do I need that?